Daytime summer equestrian sports school for children in Riga with a unique program of entertainment, educational activities and riding invites boys and girls aged 6 …
Equestrian club in Riga for children

Children's summer recreation camps in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Where to send the child in the summer? Summer children's and teenage language, health, sports camps at sea camps in the Baltic States: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and also abroad.
Занятия для детей и кружки в Риге
Daytime summer equestrian sports school for children in Riga with a unique program of entertainment, educational activities and riding invites boys and girls aged 6 …
Autumn camp/horse riding and English courses 5 days, Monday – Friday, from 10:00 to 16:00,* 21.10.24. – 25.10.24. 25.12.24. – 29.12.24. 10.03.25. – 14.03.25.