Category: Подросток (13 – 17 лет)
Лагеря для подростков. Занятия для подростков 13-17 лет в Риге, Юрмале и других городах Латвии
(Русский) В программу входит:
пробежки вдоль моря, игры на пляже и купание в море,
ежедневно 1-1.5ч мероприятий на английском,
занятия йогой,
интеллектуальные и подвижные игры на английском языке,
творческий отдых,
походы и посиделки у костра,
посещение музеев и местных достопримечательностей,
сьемка видеофильма и др.
Last summer, more than 600 children came to us. We organize an overnight camp for children from 6 to 15 years old! Your children will …
Pony club Kumeļi Active Recreation Place invites boys and girls aged 6-15, who are passionate about horses, to participate in a unique programme that includes …
Daytime summer equestrian sports school for children in Riga with a unique program of entertainment, educational activities and riding invites boys and girls aged 6 …
Autumn camp/horse riding and English courses 5 days, Monday – Friday, from 10:00 to 16:00,* 21.10.24. – 25.10.24. 25.12.24. – 29.12.24. 10.03.25. – 14.03.25.
24-hour camp “Horse Days in KLAUMOS” for horse lovers and young riders. Place: “Klayumi” stable, Kaplava parish, Kraslava region. Latvia Age of participants: from …
Robinson Crusoe’s School What child never imagined being an explorer, venturing into virgin and unknown wilderness? Unfortunately today’s life, studies and leisure make our children …
Educational summer, English day camp for children and teenagers in Jurmala
Duration of teen weight loss camp program: 7 days
Age of program participants: 5-16 years old
– Knowledge and skills to help them (teenagers) move towards a healthier lifestyle and take care of healthy healthy weight loss, maintain the weight gain achieved during the program.
– Prevention of mistakes and harmful consequences of incorrect weight loss efforts.
Give your child an unforgettable summer camp, enjoying exciting activities with professional camp teachers. During the week, we will go to various entertainment places, relax …